
Tencent Professor of Engineering,
Chair Professor of Department of CSE, HKUST,
Fellow of IEEE,
Fellow of the Hong Kong Academy of Engineering Sciences (HKAES),
Acting Head, Division of Integrative System and Design,
Director of HKUST MOE/MSRA Information Technology Key Laboratory,
Director, Digital Life Research Center, HKUST,
HKUST IAS Senior Fellow
RAP and Postdoc

Research Assistant Professor
PhD students
Mphil students
- Linfei Ge (Ph.D.): acoustic sensing
- Hua Kang (Ph.D.): IoT
- Huangxun Chen (Ph.D.): mobile and secure computing and IoT
- Chenyu Huang (Ph.D.): blockchain and mobile computing
- Zeyu Wang (Ph.D.): mobile computing
- Qianyi Huang (Ph.D.): mobile computing and IoT
- Lin Yang (Ph.D.): big mobile data analysis (Huawei Corp.)
- Zhice Yang (PostDoc): Mobile applications and Wireless Networks (Shanghai Tech. University)
- Wei Wang (RAP): Wireless Networks and IoT (Huazhong Univ. of Science and Technology)
- Lu Wang (PostDoc): wireless communications and networking (Shenzhen Univ.)
- Jin Zhang (Ph.D. and PostDoc): Wireless Cooperative Communication and Networking
- Qing Liao (Ph.D.): bioinformatics
- Yanjiao Chen (Ph.D.): Spectrum management for Cognitive Radio Networks
- Jiansong Zhang (Ph.D.): wireless LAN based networking and system
- Xiaojun FENG (Ph.D.): Vehicular Wireless Sensor Networks
- Peng LIN (Ph.D.): Cognitive Radio Networks and Dynamic Spectrum Management
- Dawei CHEN (Ph.D.): Resource Management and Spectrum Measurement in Cognitive - Networks
- Chengqi SONG (Ph.D.): Wireless Network Security
- Ji LUO (Ph.D.): Mobile Sensor Networking
- Juncheng JIA (Ph.D.): Cognitive Radio Networks and Dynamic Spectrum Management
- Jin ZHANG (Ph.D.): Wireless Cooperative Communication and Networking
- Dr. Peng GUO (PostDoc): protocol design for wireless sensor networks
- Yan Mei (MPhil): IoT
- Yingjie Chen (MPhil): Wireless Networks
- Qinghong Chen (MPhil)
- Zhe Lin (MPhil): IoT in healthcare
- Fan Zhang (MPhil)
- Linlin YANG (MPhil): network ad
- Eric Lo (MPhil): Cooperative MAC for Wireless Networks
- XiaoRui PAN (MPhil): Wireless Healthcare and Sensor Networks
- Xing XU (MPhil): Wireless Sensor Networking
- Christopher LIM (MPhil): Multi-radio Wireless Mesh Networks
- HuiCheng (Addison) CHI (MPhil): P2P-based VoD service
- Xiaoxi TANG (MPhil): Wireless Healthcare
- Zhong SHEN (MPhil): Wireless Sensor Networks
- Yanfeng Zhu (co-supervised Ph.D. from Tsinghua University)
- Qing Chen (co-supervised Ph.D. from Tsinghua University)
- Meng Zhang (co-supervised Ph.D. from Tsinghua University)